The World Has Changed. So How Are You Going To Change?

Personally, I have a big appetite for change, but given the recent events, even I struggle to cope. We are far from done with the pandemic, there’s economic crisis like never before and what lies around the corner is harder than ever to predict.

In an entertaining and inspiring member conference call, Sree Sreenivasan, offered his insights, thoughts and tips on the crisis and beyond. This post is not a transcript of the talk, but rather a few of my observations from what’s probably the best show we have put on during COVID-19!

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Introducing the handbook for ethical digital design

Tech companies exploiting consumers is unfortunately nothing new and dark patterns remain commonplace.

Still, we are experiencing a shift in consumer behaviour, where ethics matter more. How do you actually do ethical design from the beginning? To answer this and to and share practical techniques to make honest interfaces work, To answer this and to and share practical techniques to make honest interfaces work, Trine Falbe, Kim Andersen and Martin Michael Frederiksen have co-authored the new Ethical Design Handbook.

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25 + 3 Lessons Learned About Buying Content Technology and Services

The art and science of selecting the right tool is something we’ve covered on these pages for almost 20 years. It remains hard to navigate the marketplace and the list of potential bidders is long, so how do you approach it?

In a helpful new book, Deane Barker has shared his 25 lessons learned about buying content technology and services. In a recent CMS Expert member call, he shared insights from the book and we co-created 3 more lessons learned.

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A new grand compromise in content management

What can we do to ensure that no persona gets left behind in content management, especially as we begin to discuss requirements surrounding digital experience management?

In a recent member conference call, Preston So from Oracle looked to fields as diverse as geology and motivational psychology and expanded our sights to dimensions beyond the static web to forge a new grand compromise between content editors and marketers and their engineering counterparts to foster a bright future for the CMS — and how we can create and contribute to initiatives to support it.

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Episerver tackles content diagnostics

Improving your digital content, understanding what parts of your digital marketing actually works and also what content you might be missing, have so far been mostly manual labour, tricky to solve and often low on the list of priorities.

New projects seem to always get the attention, and while there’s much talk about quality over quantity, it’s fair to say that many corporate websites remain bloated and with plenty of room to improve the experience.

With the acquisition of Idio in late 2019, Episerver now wants to take on content diagnostics to quickly perform content audits, improve content marketing, and understand which keywords and content topics perform best. Sounds great right? Let’s take a closer look to better understand the problem and the solution that Epi is offering.

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eZ becomes Ibexa and eyes B2B challenge

The secret is out: Norwegian-based CMS vendor eZ has been reborn as Ibexa. In what’s more than just a rebranding exercise, the company also announced a more substantial shift from their previous content-focused approach to a broader focus on the B2B digital challenge.

It’s quite common in the crowded vendor marketplace that is centred around digital experience platforms to hear about mergers and acquisitions and also new vendors securing substantial funding. Product names also come and go, in particular combined with mergers and acquisitions, but having said that, it’s quite rare to hear about established vendors both changing their name and substantially changing direction.

So what’s behind the brave move and what does it mean to you?

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We can’t rely on the content strategy of the past

There’s good news at the moment: Digital strategies and playbooks which used to be just gathering dust are now being put to good use. Also, silos which have so far made internal collaboration difficult are coming down. And perhaps most importantly, the importance of the digital mindset is no longer questioned.

Ashley Budd from Cornell eloquently summed it up our member conference call yesterday:

We can’t rely on the content strategy of the past

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How to adapt your content marketing to an unexpected shift

Then the world changed. Sounds dramatic but by now we all know what I mean by this. Overnight businesses found themselves with a team adjusting to working from home. Infrastructures were pushed to their limits, flaws in processes were exposed and the need for clear communication was never more apparent. Add to this all of the personal circumstances and impact people were experiencing and enduring and frankly, there was no such as business as usual.

As someone responsible for the content GatherContent publishes and shares, it was apparent that we too couldn’t just carry on with everything we had planned. But it was also a brand new territory. There was no content playbook for a global pandemic

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Content strategy meets product strategy

"Content" can become a headache or an afterthought in many projects—but it doesn't have to be that way. In our recent conference call, Katie Del Angel from Shopify shared her perspective as a product content strategist at Shopify. 

From defining scope to gaining team alignment, developing concepts and solutions to ensuring scalable implementation, the tools of content strategy can help product leaders every step of the way during projects. 

Whether you have a content strategist on your team or not, having content strategy techniques in mind and knowing when to use them can make product management smoother for everyone! 

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Beyond the Promise to Readiness

This conversation was different. A seasoned group of martech pros discussing where personalization was really netting out. “Is that still a thing? Are we still on that?” The discussion turned from the topic itself to something more important.

What value do the features provide to business owners that don’t have the capacity or readiness to use them?

Much like my flying, (or setting the bar lower to the self-parking), car, if the technology were to magically appear, what would be my propensity to use it?

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Reflections are not only a tool to change yourself

It’s generally considered good to pause, to learn and to reflect, in particular in times of change. Still, how do we ever find the time and how to we actually do something about it?

To Mathias Jakobsen, reflections are a both a tool to change your own behavior as well as a tool to become closer with your colleagues and build stronger relationships as a foundation for collaboration

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Depth scales can help you implement something useful

Projects are all about implementing something useful and ideally with alignment in the first place. Still, that’s far from what always happen. Planning tends to be static while the world is clearly dynamic and always changing.

Specifically designed to foster creative thinking and deal with high impact changes, David Hobbs has developed the concept of depth scales. These are intended to help you get a project started on the right foot towards useful deliverables and satisfied stakeholders.

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Making progress fighting with fog

How are you? How can I help?

These two questions are now front and center at almost every interaction. Looking back at just a few months ago, the beginning of 2020, and it seems so long ago. It’s clear that the world has changed so much during these past weeks.with unprecedented changes to what we consider normal.

No more travel, working from home is the norm, and there’s many Stay-At-Home orders around the world. It all also impacts us as a community and as human beings. Hopefully we’ll very soon be post-corona.

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