Independent. Vendor-neutral and ready to help you…

Every year since 2003, we’ve taken on a few assignments to take a step closer and help move digital initiatives forward. Whether on vendor selection, market trends, building the team, thought partnership, or tackling some of the trickiest issues, we’re here to put the experience of our team of group leaders to good use.

With our background firmly rooted in 20+ years of organising conferences and groups, our approach is not the usual one of consulting firms. We speak human, do shorter reports, and aim to help digital leaders be their best selves.

Tailored to your needs

Our help can be as modest or extensive as you need. Typical engagements include one or more of the following services:

  • Jumpstarting a selection team

  • Navigating the marketplace, headless content journeys and composable trends

  • Sharing emerging trends, reflections and actions from our large international community

  • Reviewing and sanity-checking your requirements

  • Helping to create a short-list of vendors

  • Working with you to prepare a solid RFP

  • Helping you score responses and provide differentiating challenges for finalists to undertake

  • Negotiating better terms

  • Briefing senior management on strategy and plans

  • Mentoring project leaders

Among the organisations we’ve worked for

  • Alma Media, Boehringer Ingelheim, Brother, Carlsberg, European Commission, Lund University, Nordea, Red Bull, Red Cross, UNFPA, University of Copenhagen, World Health Organization, Aarhus University

How to get started

Let’s talk. Get in touch, share your current situation and then we’ll take it from there.