The World Has Changed. So How Are You Going To Change?

Personally, I have a big appetite for change, but given the recent events, even I struggle to cope. We are far from done with the pandemic, there’s economic crisis like never before and what lies around the corner is harder than ever to predict.

In an entertaining and inspiring member conference call, Sree Sreenivasan, offered his insights, thoughts and tips on the crisis and beyond. This post is not a transcript of the talk, but rather a few of my observations from what’s probably the best show we have put on during COVID-19!

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Communication: How to reclaim relevance on social media for 2019

In 2018 many people have re-considered their love-hate relationship with social media following the scandals surrounding Facebook. Digital strategist and award-winning thought leader on social media Sharon O’Dea recommends that communicators and marketers try and do the same for 2019:

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