Understanding the 24 phases of web projects

Building and managing a web project is a big, complex process — one that branches far beyond the phases directly in front of us.

On one hand, there’s the multi-disciplinary nuts and bolts work of creating the site itself. But beyond that, there’s the connective points — the ideas, the strategy, the decision making, and the upkeep. Even if you’re an expert in your field, it can still be a struggle to find context across the entire project landscape.

With The Web Project Guide, Corey Vilhauer and Deane Barker teamed up to bridge those gaps to help understand how each stage of the website process fits in with the next.

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Depth scales can help you implement something useful

Projects are all about implementing something useful and ideally with alignment in the first place. Still, that’s far from what always happen. Planning tends to be static while the world is clearly dynamic and always changing.

Specifically designed to foster creative thinking and deal with high impact changes, David Hobbs has developed the concept of depth scales. These are intended to help you get a project started on the right foot towards useful deliverables and satisfied stakeholders.

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Delivering value to your customers through imperfect projects.

There is always a lot at stake, when you are starting a new project, and several questions often arise quite naturally. Is the team structure right? On the client side as well as on the vendor side? Have we clearly defined the project, what about the budget and scope?

In my experience, it’s often completely different questions that need answering, when embarking on a new project

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