With Kentico Kontent it’s goodbye to legacy CMS

It’s not so long ago that content management systems were something you installed on your own servers and then replatformed every couple of years. At the same time most content teams either struggled to catch up or complained about how the system was holding them back. Either way, content was usually created somewhere other than in the actual CMS. 

Today the vendor marketplace is crowded with new options that almost makes the old way of doing CMS look medieval. Innovative tools are driving new ways to communicate, new ways to collaborate and a strengthened focus on content as a strategic asset. 

Building on 20 years experience as a CMS vendor, Kentico Kontent aims to address the shortcomings of the old approach by moving to content as a service and enabling increased flexibility in terms of creating your own content stack. 

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How to lead remote and distributed teams?

Remote and distributed teams are getting more normal, but to make it work for everyone, you need to go back and understand the practices that foster engagement and responsibility in a team. What are the challenges? How do we overcome them, allowing more autonomy for such teams?

Looking at the employee experience through the eyes of different personas, the needs and expectations clearly vary a lot.

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Experiment-Driven Product Development

“Experiments don’t fail, hypotheses are proven wrong”

With this Airbnb quote, Paul Rissen introduced our community to Experiment-Driven Product Development—or XDPD—a new approach that turns the spotlight on questions to be answered, rather than on solutions.

Improving your craft is a key skill for product and user experience professionals working in the digital era. There are many established methods of product development to inspire and focus teams—Sprint, Lean, Agile, Kanban—all of which focus on solutions to customer and business problems. 

Within XDPD, discovery is a mindset, not a project phase.

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Small feature award 2019: Little Forest won a close race with a simple solution to huge problems

At the recently held Boye 19 Aarhus conference, five European software vendors competed in the new Small Feature Award on showing a small feature with big impact. 

What’s the small feature that really makes the product way better? Is it a small design change, an elegantly engineered new piece of functionality or something else?

In this new contest, the conference participants celebrated the unsung heroes of the workplace: The small features that make all the difference. 

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Using augmented reality to drive engagement and improve the museum experience

Driving engagement and improving the experience has been key drivers for many big projects in the last years. Delivering a bad experience kills any hard-earned loyalty.

Technology is a part of the equation, but beyond creating a better and more compelling website, what might we do to go above and beyond expectations? In our recent member conference call, we heard about an innovative project using augmented reality at the Brooklyn Museum.

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Accessibility update towards 2020

Your visitors rely on the usability of your website and products to engage with your brand, yet many still have various barriers which is bad for both the user experience and your brand.

Accessibility has clearly moved from a nice-to-have to a must-have with the advent of new legislation and recent lawsuits. As Gavin Colborne from Little Forest in the UK said in our recent member conference call, there are many changes coming for 2020.

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Designing Connected Content - a 2019 update

With digital content published across more channels than ever before, how can you make yours easy to find, use, and share? Is your content ready for the next wave of content platforms and devices?

It has been almost 2 years since Carrie Hane published the Designing Connected Content book together with Mike Atherton. In our recent member conference call, Carrie shared learnings from after the book went to print.

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Data up and data down

Product managers have been called ‘the CEO of the product’ by Ben Horowitz. While you may agree or disagree with that statement, product managers, like CEOs, make decisions that have a long term impact. Even after you moved to another job years ago, the decisions you made back then are likely to still affect the product and its users today.

With that daunting thought in mind, no wonder product managers like to use whatever data they can get their hands on to substantiate their decisions!

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Building a Content Contributor Community

When you have a lot of content contributors - people creating content and adding that content to digital channels - you need a way to keep them all on the same (metaphorical) page. When they’re all in different departments and different countries, with different skill levels, working on separate but interconnected sites, in multiple languages, things can devolve into chaos pretty quickly.

Alignment will bring a consistent voice to every web page and every channel, and keep quality standards higher for writing, imagery, and other content, but finding a how-to guide has been hard. This is my attempt to create one

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