In late 2020, IT analyst firm Gartner made the blunt prediction that ‘The Future of Business Is Composable’. A few months later, at the beginning of 2021, Gartner then also introduced the term ‘composable’ to the CMS marketplace with a splash in their annual Market Quadrant for Digital Experience Platforms.
To Gartner, a “composable business means creating an organization made from interchangeable building blocks” and many in our industry translated this to moving away from the large software suites or what’s also known as the monoliths.
This is largely a response to increased customers expectations, demands on shortening project cycles, increased technical debt and finally a growing demand to fit into the existing tech stack. In other words, composability has become a big thing, and many vendors have seized the momentum to also talk about how composability is key for commerce, but what about content?
As we look towards 2022, composable content management is likely to become a key requirement and we already see vendors picking up on the emerging trend.
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Employee advocacy is when the people who work for your company take steps to promote their employer. It has become a really big thing in recent years, in particular given the rise of social media and the never-ending challenges with recruiting and retaining top talent.
Surprisingly according to Anne Frost, marketing and corporate communication can actually often be a part of the problem, if you want to succeed with your employee advocacy program. In a recent member conference call, she provocatively shared three easy steps on how to ruin your advocacy program.
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It’s all about building bridges - in particular between different ways of thinking
Talking to Kristina Larsen who is a UX specialist at VIA University College in Aarhus, Denmark, you might expect to hear about how her design leadership work bridges different departments, but as she shared her story, it became clear that her years studying at Aalborg University and Aarhus University, and now almost 14 years working in higher education, has taken her to the next level.
In her own words, she strives to make others feel welcome, heard, valued and supported, which applies whether you are a colleague, student, a customer at VIA or a close friend.
Kristina is also a leisure doodler, a freelance mini farmer living on a field in the middle of Jutland and dreaming about landing her first board position in the next couple of years. Earlier this month, she was a highly rated track leader at the Boye Aarhus 21 conference and she is our expert of the month.
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Small features can indeed have a huge impact and make all the difference. This has always been the focus of our Small Feature Award, and earlier this month the annual contest was held for the 3rd time at the Boye Aarhus 21 conference with 6 strong contesters.
Congratulations to content operations software firm GatherContent, which impressed both the crowd and the jury with their shareable links feature - enough to win the prestigious award ahead of 5 other vendors.
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"Microsoft Power Apps is a game-changer"
That's what one of our non-technical Norwegian government members said when we returned from the summer holidays and met in our local peer group meeting.
Since then the Microsoft Power Platform and Power Apps have come up multiple times in several group meetings, be it communications focused, digital leadership and also our more technical groups focusing on Microsoft 365.
In a recent member conference call, Andrew Sayers from Heineken in the Netherlands told us more about the low code platform and the business apps he is responsible for. The call provided a look behind the scenes at how they approach governance, how he is responsible for the end-to-end support, and finally his work on promoting awareness and self-service usage of the Power Platform tooling to facilitate business processes and drive efficiency and transparency.
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"If not you, who?" and “if not now, when?"
Ron Brumbarger set the stage for an inspirational conversation about leadership, mentoring and life-long learning with these two seemingly simple questions.
Ron enjoys mentoring and teaching and finds it fascinating to hear the different answers to these two questions, but clearly also challenges himself with the questions from time to time.
He is Founder and President of Apprentice University, based in Indiana in the US and also our expert of the month.
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You have probably heard about SLA's. Service Level Agreements that contractually define what service you can expect, like uptime for your website, maintenance windows for your app or that your search has filters. That's fine and good, but what about the experience?
Casper van Amelsvoort works with Workplace Services at Rabobank and a year ago he introduced the idea of moving from Service Level Agreements to Experience Level Agreements (XLAs). If your website is up and running, but the experience is really bad? Slow loading or what if your search engine doesn't give you reasonable and expected search results?
In a recent member conference call, Casper elaborated on the idea, what the difference means in practice and how he is considering implementing it.
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Leadership has always been about making decisions, but when it comes to digital, you tend to be dealing with many unknowns in a fast-moving and innovative marketplace.
Coupled with adapting to unpredictable market conditions, even following the best recipe have been tricky, to say the least, and the need for learning from the best and networking with peers has been higher than ever.
Together with Kontent by Kentico, we recently organised two breakfast briefings in Amsterdam and London. Both events looked at what lies around the corner when it comes to digital leadership, but our world-class speakers also shared some of the key decisions they have made.
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The MACH Alliance’s mission is to future proof enterprise technology and to propel current and future digital experiences with open and connected enterprise tech.
Still, as Casper Aagaard Rasmussen from Valtech said in a recent member conference call, many companies don’t know about the MACH Alliance, don’t understand it or find it an uncertain multi-vendor play.
Besides several notable software vendors, the alliance has also been joined by leading agencies, including Valtech. Casper heads up the global strategic activities within Valtech’s MACH and Composable Enterprises business.
In the member call, Casper shared why the MACH Alliance matters, what it means to the marketplace at large and how it impacts agencies and customers.
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It's tricky to find talented new colleagues and building the right culture takes much more than just academic qualifications.
Jan Zerkowski is Innovation & Design Partner at Roche in Basel, Switzerland and he was recently a guest star in one of our Future Workplace peer groups. In the session, he mentioned the idea of hiring using 'creative CVs', where you highlight life skills, like film making, music, or like me elite running and learning quite a bit from working in a supermarket.
In a recent member conference call, Jan elaborated on the idea and he shared how he encourages different applicants and what he looks for in CV’s.
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“To build your innovation muscle you need motivation, practice and success”
When I recently spoke to Michael Bednar-Brandt, he made innovation initiatives sound quite a bit like practising for a marathon. Or rather, he made it crystal clear how innovation programs can easily fail if they are not treated more like a corporate fitness program instead of an innovation magic pill.
Michael works as Business Innovation expert at Oracle. Based out of Vienna, Austria, he has over 20 years of experience with innovation programs at both startups and large corporations and is a self-proclaimed corporate innovation demystifier. He is also our expert of the month.
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Building and managing a web project is a big, complex process — one that branches far beyond the phases directly in front of us.
On one hand, there’s the multi-disciplinary nuts and bolts work of creating the site itself. But beyond that, there’s the connective points — the ideas, the strategy, the decision making, and the upkeep. Even if you’re an expert in your field, it can still be a struggle to find context across the entire project landscape.
With The Web Project Guide, Corey Vilhauer and Deane Barker teamed up to bridge those gaps to help understand how each stage of the website process fits in with the next.
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“Great. Now you can ask ‘would you like fries with that ?’ in seven languages”
This is what CJ Walker’s family and friends jokingly told her when she graduated as a linguist. Back then in the ’90s, the job market wasn’t exactly booming with demand for people trained at modelling and documenting language, but much has fortunately happened since then.
Following extensive work on user manuals and technical communication jobs at Alcatel, HP, the European Union, and Microsoft, in 2007 she founded Firehead, to focus exclusively on content recruitment and training. Since then, she has actively helped shape the content strategy community, trained and placed people in content jobs around the world.
She also helped organise the very first content strategy conference in Paris in 2010 and is our expert of the month.
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The Internet has a larger footprint than the airline industry, yet we continue to build new digital marketing campaigns, launch new domains, use high resolution for video calls and insist on impressive visuals on our digital presence.
Fortunately, thinking about website carbon reduction is actually win/win. James Cannings is Chief Sustainability Officer at digital agency MSQ and has been working with environmentally sustainable digital leadership for longer than most.
In a recent member conference call, he shared how sustainability also impacts our digital work, where to start, and the 3 layers in building for sustainability. In this post, you’ll find my notes from the call, slides, recording and links for your to make progress on your digital sustainability journey.
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This is not just any random piece of content you might find on the Web. You probably found it by clicking a link from another site or from an email, but I assure you that I wrote it.
Just to clarify, given the huge rise in content, much of it written by machines, this piece of content is actually written by a human and based on a collaboration led by Angus Edwardson from GatherContent and several of our peer group members who work with content and content creators every day.
As you’ll see, content is not just content and while this specific piece of content might look timeless on your screen (you didn’t print it, did you?), much is changing when it comes to how we work with content and how we consume content.
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