Reclaiming Connection: Empowering Employee-Centric Communication in an AI-Driven World

In an age of AI-driven workflows and hybrid or remote setups, how do we keep our people at the heart of communication?

During our recent Employee Experience group session hosted by Microsoft in Toronto, I tried to tackle this head-on with the help from the group. Drawing on tactics for AI-powered communications, lessons on psychological safety, and the importance of hyper-personalized messaging, together we illuminated what it truly takes to reclaim genuine connection.

Below are the “big questions” that framed our discussion—and the key takeaways every employee experience and digital workplace leader needs to know. 

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Reclaiming Connection: Building a People-First Culture in a Changing World

In an era defined by hybrid work, emerging technologies like AI, and shifting employee expectations, one factor stands out as the true engine of success: human connection.

At a recent meeting in our Toronto-based employee experience peer group, Ciara Byrne who works as National Director, Internal Communications & Engagement at Canadian accounting firm Doane Grant Thornton underscored how authentic communication, purpose-driven culture, and genuine employee connection remain the foundation of every truly great workplace, even in the AI era.

This article shares insights from her talk and let’s start both expectations and the workplace landscape has fundamentally shifted.

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How to ruin employee advocacy in three easy steps

Employee advocacy is when the people who work for your company take steps to promote their employer. It has become a really big thing in recent years, in particular given the rise of social media and the never-ending challenges with recruiting and retaining top talent.

Surprisingly according to Anne Frost, marketing and corporate communication can actually often be a part of the problem, if you want to succeed with your employee advocacy program. In a recent member conference call, she provocatively shared three easy steps on how to ruin your advocacy program.

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The Office 365 Adoption Challenge: “I barely have time to do my work. When am I supposed to find time to innovate?”

The challenge for O365 adoption, is that the overwhelming parts, tend to overshadow the value part. Hence the reason I believe we need to be transparent about the obstacles and leverage various resources including change management practices to guided us successfully through the transition.

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