Creative CVs welcome

It's tricky to find talented new colleagues and building the right culture takes much more than just academic qualifications.

Jan Zerkowski is Innovation & Design Partner at Roche in Basel, Switzerland and he was recently a guest star in one of our Future Workplace peer groups. In the session, he mentioned the idea of hiring using 'creative CVs', where you highlight life skills, like film making, music, or like me elite running and learning quite a bit from working in a supermarket.

In a recent member conference call, Jan elaborated on the idea and he shared how he encourages different applicants and what he looks for in CV’s.

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Expert of the month: CJ Walker

“Great. Now you can ask ‘would you like fries with that ?’ in seven languages”

This is what CJ Walker’s family and friends jokingly told her when she graduated as a linguist. Back then in the ’90s, the job market wasn’t exactly booming with demand for people trained at modelling and documenting language, but much has fortunately happened since then.

Following extensive work on user manuals and technical communication jobs at Alcatel, HP, the European Union, and Microsoft, in 2007 she founded Firehead, to focus exclusively on content recruitment and training. Since then, she has actively helped shape the content strategy community, trained and placed people in content jobs around the world.

She also helped organise the very first content strategy conference in Paris in 2010 and is our expert of the month.

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Building a talent pipeline

You’ve had a great week. Friday comes around and you are sitting in your office with a fresh cup of coffee, looking at the road map, quite satisfied that projects are moving along nicely, and milestones are being reached.  In fact, you are relishing in the fact that this is the best team you’ve ever had – and then it happens.  

The knock on the door.  It’s your key team member (you know, the one that has the relationships with the vendor and puts out fires before they happen) and she looks distressed.

“You get a second?” she asks

And then the bombshell – she was not looking for a new opportunity, but a colleague reached out and it’s an incredible offer that could not be refused or matched.  Sorry. You have two weeks. 

How do you build a talent pipeline to prepare for this?

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