Don't be a storyteller. Be a narrative creator

“The Narrative Age” is a new book that came out in April written by our friend and Staffbase co-founder Frank Wolf. It provides compelling insights into how successful narratives go beyond storytelling to create messages that inspire change and support success

In a world where story and narrative are often used interchangeably, understanding their distinction holds the key to giving organizations a significant edge in building compelling, authentic connections with their stakeholders. “The Narrative Age" explores how the world's most successful organizations and movements, from SpaceX to DeBeers to the Barbie movie, have harnessed the power of narratives to inspire their audiences.

The Narrative Age makes you think differently about the way you perceive the role of communications in shaping organisational vision and direction. It offers a roadmap to navigate the complexities of modern communication and stakeholder engagement with confidence and clarity.

In a recent members’ call Frank joined us for an informal book launch. He shared a few slides (download as PDF) and we talked about the book. The conversation, as per tradition, started with ‘why’ - what was it that triggered our dear friend Frank to write 200+ pages on narratives?

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Let the world feel your heartbeat

Did you get your job by playing safe? According to Florida-based community expert Tim McDonald, we are too often focused on the end result and programmed to always have a plan. Then there’s the element of fear and what might happen if we move away from what is expected.

In our recent member conference call, Tim talked about how by letting the world feel your heartbeat, you inspire others to share theirs. A deeply touching conversation about the difference between telling a story and making an impact, on fear, and Tim’s very personal story.

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Expert of the month: Pernille Rahbech

Storytelling is more important than ever according to Aarhus-based Pernille Rahbech. Pernille just celebrated her 2nd anniversary as a solopreneur focusing on communications and in particular helping her customers tell stories and sell dreams.

Her small business still doesn’t have a website and she’s simply using her own name to brand herself, so she knows a thing or two about good stories and the importance of a strong network.

Pernille is based in Aarhus and has specialised on communication around major new construction projects in a new part of town and she is our expert of the month.

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The power of self stories to drive behavior

The stories that we tell ourselves drive behavior. The stories help us understand who we are and why we do what we do, but how can you actually get people to change their self story?

In our recent member conference call, Susan Weinschenk joined us from rural Wisconsin for a conversation on the power of self stories to drive behavior. Susan has a Ph.D. in Psychology and in 2013 she published "How To Get People To Do Stuff" where she describes the seven basic drivers of human motivation. Susan focuses on how to use human behavior research to dramatically improve the impact of your products and services.

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Six strategic steps for succeeding with digital communication

If you google “communication tips”, you will get a large number of articles such as “Three ways to use [insert latest hot digital tool]”. While simple tips like these are great, they usually won’t help you beyond the current season. In times of constant change, we also need something more substantial that we can strive towards.

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