The power of AI in corporate communications: Are you ready?

AI is coming hard and fast at all of us, but assessing AI capabilities has so many dimensions.

Why should communications teams be championing AI in their organizations? Precisely because of that middle L in LLM. The deep knowledge of genres, rhetoric, metaphor, and other functions of language that determine the success of communication is key to assessing the potential and limits of AI.

It is our professional responsibility to discover, share, and discuss ethical problems and universal or local benefits within our field of knowledge. but we also have a responsibility to go beyond our professional perspective in this learning process. What can seem a blessing in communications may be a curse in public management and vice versa. In this phase, we really need cross-disciplinary insights.

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Expert of the month: Pernille Rahbech

Storytelling is more important than ever according to Aarhus-based Pernille Rahbech. Pernille just celebrated her 2nd anniversary as a solopreneur focusing on communications and in particular helping her customers tell stories and sell dreams.

Her small business still doesn’t have a website and she’s simply using her own name to brand herself, so she knows a thing or two about good stories and the importance of a strong network.

Pernille is based in Aarhus and has specialised on communication around major new construction projects in a new part of town and she is our expert of the month.

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Six strategic steps for succeeding with digital communication

If you google “communication tips”, you will get a large number of articles such as “Three ways to use [insert latest hot digital tool]”. While simple tips like these are great, they usually won’t help you beyond the current season. In times of constant change, we also need something more substantial that we can strive towards.

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Content and collaboration: Your transformation strategy?

Every transformation effort requires a strategy - a plan for the activities and a clear vision to make it happen. When it comes to sustainable change, teams require a structured and systematic approach to ensure that people, processes, and technology are considered. Taking this broader view ensures that we think past common obstacles and shift thinking past a “project mentality”, into a “practice mentality”.

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