CMS Experts
A forum for digital leaders where analysts, thinkers, practitioners, experts and vendors can meet, set the agenda for future industry developments, provide feedback and share thoughts and ideas in an inspiring setting.
As a member, you can pick and choose which meetings to attend. We meet several times a year in North American and Europe. Most members make it to three or four meetings a year.
Meetings are held in English and one of our group leaders provides meeting notes from each meeting as well as an online forum for members to continue the conversations in between the meetings.
There are expert guest speakers at most meetings to provide further input to the group. Guest speakers could be relevant customer cases, analysts or industry standard organisations.
Each meeting will result in a public document as a statement from the group intended to stir public discussion and further advance the field.
Some impromptu whiteboarding at the CMS Experts session in Boston 2019 with Deane Barker voicing his concerns
Back in June 2013 a few of us had a stadium tour of Westfalenstadion, the home of Borussia Dortmund
Past meetings
This group goes back over a decade when we settled on the CMS Experts header. Since then we’ve broadened the conversation and experienced quite a few highlights during the years.
Find more on the page with the CMS Expert group history.
Upcoming meetings
European community:
May 13 - 14 in Frankfurt (co-located with CMS Summit 25)
June 17 at ACTUM Digital in Prague
July 3 in Opatija, Croatia (co-located with Web Summer Camp)
August 26 in Utrecht
August 28 in Berlin
September 25 in Palma, Mallorca (co-located with CMS Camp)
October in Cambridge hosted by Studio 24
November 5 in Aarhus (co-located with Boye Aarhus 25 conference)
January 27 - 28, 2025 at TYPO3 in Düsseldorf
Q1 in London
North American community:
March 25 at TELUS in Vancouver
March 27 at Contentstack in Austin
April 8 - 9 at PayPal in San Jose
April 10 at Cludo in Minneapolis
April 15 in Montreal
May 6 - 7 in NYC
May 8 in Toronto
June 3 at TELUS in Ottawa
June 5 in Atlanta
July 8 in San Francisco
July 10 at Detroit Institute of Arts
August 5 - 6 in Montreal (co-located with the CMS Connect 25 conference)
September 9 - 10 in Boston
January 13 - 14, 2026 in the St. Pete, FL (co-located with the CMS Kickoff 26 conference)
Don’t take our word for it
“As usual, great sessions and learnings. Thank you Janus Boye and the cmsexpert community. This is a great forum to stay up-to-date on the industry and building the peer network.“
- Makram Mansour, Group Product Manager at Intuit
Among the group members are leading vendors, agencies and also practitioners.
Check the current CMS Expert member listing.
Topics covered
The agenda is really broad — digital experience and leadership topics such as content operations, standards, performance, implementations and technology. Topics that impact the adoption in the broader marketplace, such as AI, social media and other key trends are also covered, and we do our best to cover emerging topics, e.g. MACH Alliance before it became a big thing and more recently Universal CMS.
Don’t see the topic(s) you’re interested in? Try the group and raise your topic(s) with them.
Member profile
Kyle Mathews from Gatsby presenting in Boston (September 2019)
If you have several years of experience, a broad range of knowledge and your working day is dedicated to one or more content management systems, e.g. as Product Manager, CTO or Content Manager, then you have the ideal profile. Each group is limited to 20 members. Seats are reserved for a mixture of vendors; large, complex and global buyers as well as analysts to achieve the right composition.
Jörg Schäffer and Tobias Stadelmeier from CoreMedia posing with group leader Janus Boye and the iconic hats for our November 2019 session held at the Women’s Museum of Denmark
New members are carefully vetted to ensure the right composition.
Sharing is caring
Here’s some posts based on our meetings:
Emma Horrell from University of Edinburgh
Marta Cukierman from Stream X:
Mike Wills at BlueModus
Seth Gottlieb at Aberdeen
Tobi Stadelmeier from CoreMedia
Vasilis Avlonitis from EPAM
Informal dinner in Washington DC in 2017 with James Stout and Travis Wissink on the front row. To build better relations and improve the learning and networking experience, we usually have a social event with local guests as a part of each meeting.
Don’t take our word for it
Jeff Cram calls this group an advisory board of smart friends and Deane Barker mentioned the below in a LinkedIn post in August 2023:
“I've been a member and a huge fan of the Boye & Company CMS Experts group for about 10 years now.
This is a small community of CMS professionals -- vendors, consultants, and expert users -- that meet face-to-face three times a year (for each geographic region), with about a dozen virtual calls/meetings in-between. We get together for a day just to talk about the industry -- what are we seeing, what are people talking about, how do we need to change, etc.”
Group leaders
The community was originally formed by Janus Boye, who still attends most meetings in Europe and regularly in North America.
We also work closely with this team of esteemed group leaders:
Bart Omlo — who leads our Benelux chapter and regularly attends other meetings
Matt Garrepy — Chief Critic at CMS Critic
Matt McQueeny — CMS March Madness organiser and also Sitecore MVP
Paul Abdool — Toronto-based collaborative team builder, partnership and sales leader
Benefits, price and request to join
1 year membership at EUR 2350 / USD 2495
Access to all in person meetings for a year. Bring your thorny content management issues and get valuable insights
Join any meeting you would like and bring up to two colleagues
Access to members-only Slack channels
A 1-day conference ticket to one of our annual conferences (CMS Connect, CMS Kickoff or Aarhus)
Discounted member’s rate on our conferences