Casper Aagaard Rasmussen (DK)
Global SVP of Technology at Valtech in Copenhagen
President of the MACH Alliance
Introduced to the Boye community and the CMS Expert group when he was based in NYC back before the pandemic
CMS Kickoff 2023
Presentation: MACH x Inclusive Tech
Slides: Download as PDF
Boye 21 Aarhus Conference
PRESENTATION: 3 Pieces of the 2022 Content Management Puzzle
Casper on stage at the Boye Aarhus 21 conference talking about circular content as a part of his talk on the CMS Expert track
About Casper Aagaard Rasmussen
Casper heads up the global strategic activities within the MACH and Composable Enterprises business, including their go-to-market offerings, marketing and solution strategies.
Furthermore, he helps their strategic clients in their business transformation journey!
Blog posts with Casper
The Future is Composable: A Conversation with New MACH Alliance President Casper Rasmussen (August 2022)
What is composable commerce all about (January 2022)
What’s the MACH Alliance all about? (October 2021)