Most organisations are undergoing radicalchanges on many fronts. Rapid evolution onthe digital and technological fronts andchanging demographics within theworkforce are challenging conventionsacross sectors and industries. Thecombination of a new generation enteringthe workplace with fresh skills, approachesand expectations and experienced seniorsstaying on for longer means that we need tofundamentally rethink the workplace – and how we design the employee experience to make the best of this new reality.
Creating a harmonious workplace is not a new discipline, but it takes more focus and cross-departmental e!ort and coordination than ever before to get it right – given the rapid pace of change. Creating good customer experiences and mapping smooth customer journeys have been ways of gaining market share across sectors and industries for ages. Many organisations are becoming acutely aware of the importance of creating equally good experiences for their workforce if they are to attract and retain the best talent now and in the future. This growing focus on the employee experience requires skilled and experienced professionals to take the lead, bring together the may strands and pave the way ahead.
We have identified 10 pioneers who in their respective ways are making waves in terms of improving employee experiences. Some lead software start-ups, some are independents and some work for complex global organisations – privates as well as NGOs – where they are making a notable difference.
We’ll be watching these bright individuals
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Being well into 2017, take a minute to ask yourself:
Which goals would you really want to achieve this year?
I recently had the pleasure of a first-hand introduction to Working Out Loud by John Stepper. As a special guest star at a recent Boye peer group meeting hosted by Deutsche Post DHL in Bonn, John took us through his approach as outlined in the book by the same name and made me realise that we need to think differently about achieving our goals.
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Ongoing business development is a prerequisite for survival in an ever changing World. So how do you go about working with new business models, introducing new o!erings and winning new customers?
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Search engine optimisation (SEO) is widely known as a tactical discipline focused on optimising for Google and ensuring that at least some of your content gets found.
At recent J. Boye group meetings, I’ve noticed that SEO has become a much more strategic topic and even a driving force when it comes to content strategy. In other words, SEO informs content creation and curation including the decisions on what goes on the website.
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Do you have too much or too little content on your website?
Most Boye members would lean towards too much, but in private would confess to having way too much content. The examples I’ve heard in the past decade of Boye group meetings are plenty, with websites and digital communication teams drowning in content.
Training, better tools, governance, centralisation of content creation are all different approaches to trying to solve content overload, but maybe there is a better way?
I moderated a recent group meeting in London focused on digital leadership, where social media analyst & emerging platforms advisor John Atkins from Shell shared their fundamentally different approach as shown below.
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Churchill famously said:
I was reminded of this quote at a recent Boye group meeting when digital pioneer Jesper Conrad shared a memorable slide from Ogilvy’s Key Digital Trends for 2017.
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Bureaucracy in a collaboration can really hinder progress in particular when it comes to the tricky client-agency relationship.
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How can we as software product managers set up radically experimental projects to gauge the viability of new ideas—without risking ongoing business and without confining ourselves to the restrictions of the current business environment?
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Let’s say you are in the marketplace to update your digital platform. Perhaps you are running on an old and outdated version of something that powers your website and the time has come to take the next step in 2017.
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While in Washington DC to moderate a meeting in the CMS Expert Group, I had a longer conversation with our member Shawn Moore from software vendor Solodev. We spoke about tech trends, recent developments and how some of the big problems in the industry remain unsolved.
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In this blog, Jeff Cram explains how he makes use of the network and what he gets out of it. Jeff lives and works in Boston as co-founder and Chief Strategy Officer of Connective DX, a digital experience agency founded in 1997. He also organizes the annual Delight Conference, and publishes the CMS Myth blog.
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Despite talk of consolidation, there is still an overwhelming number of vendors to choose between. As a buyer, how do you navigate a crowded marketplace and avoid risky bets?
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Catching up from a busy week, I’m going through a stack of unread articles and magazines.
I did manage to read this great quote from Obama’s Seven Lessons for Radical Innovators posted by Umair Hague:
“…strategy, too often, kills a deeply-lived sense of purpose, destroys credibility, and corrupts meaning.”
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You have probably just switched off your “out of office” message. Most out of office auto replies contain no more than a sentence a two saying when the individual is back in the office. But why miss the opportunity to add some brief relevant communication, such as a link to a marketing campaign or information that might actually help the sender.
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Today, many organisations are still busy building websites that are built-to-last. At every attempt to introduce new technology or a sparkling new design, best efforts are made to put something robust in place for as long as possible.
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