What's the Scale Consortium all about?

The mission for Scale Consortium is quite simple: To inspire more enterprise companies to choose WordPress.

The Scale Consortium is a newly formed group made up of representatives from some of the most prolific and successful enterprise WordPress agencies. It was created to address the evolving landscape of the enterprise layer of WordPress and was formed in 2023 after a multi-year attempt at getting a collaboration off the group between WordPress agencies.

It makes good sense for the WordPress community to work more formally together, but specifically getting agencies to collaborate through ups and downs remains tricky. From the customer point of view, it’s long been confusing to navigate the immense WordPress community and we’ve often heard from group members that getting the implementation right remains tricky, in particular for those complex challenges faced by large, global organisations.

Since being formed, several other enterprise agencies have joined the Scale Consortium, so that as of writing 10 agencies are a part of it.

In a recent members' call we heard from two of the founding members Karim Marucchi at Crowd Favorite and Tom Willmot at Human Made. The conversation started with the problem they are trying to solve, so let’s dive in.

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Expert of the month: Eric Greenberg

Developing and running one of higher education's first Marketing Operations teams is something special.

That’s what Eric Greenberg has done in Philadelphia at The Wharton School since around 2013, when he began championing the growth of inbound marketing in the MarComm office after having spent several years in the department of web development.

Today, Eric runs a team of nine people at The Wharton School that covers a wide variety of scenarios. They run the Wharton content management system which has 130 websites on it, they are responsible for marketing automation and the graduate admissions Salesforce instance, as well as a school-wide email marketing platform. 

Eric believes in “servant leadership”, mentoring, sharing knowledge, and creating a healthy workplace culture and a team that respects diverse opinions and works together to achieve amazing things. Eric is also our expert of the month.

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