Getting through the AI hype: Selecting an AI model that works for you

I recently attended the annual CMS Experts meeting in New York, where artificial intelligence (AI) emerged as a recurring theme despite not being the event's primary focus. Influential speakers such as Sree Sreenivasan and Alan Pelz-Sharpe offered insightful viewpoints that inspired me to share my thoughts on this technology.

Sree’s talk was provocatively and timely titled: “We have no idea what we are doing with AI, but we are clearly going to do it.”. He argued that using the term "hallucinations" to describe issues with AI technology lets developers off the hook for addressing these problems. Sreenivasan also points out that in the AI industry, users are both the product and the lab, creating a more dangerous situation than social media.

Alan’s talk was “Is your Organization ready for AI?” and the brief answer is no. He explained that organisations must identify the processes that they think AI will improve, the tasks that will power those processes, have the inputs have been quality controlled, does the organisation which people and skills are required to build and operate the solution, and have decision-makers agreed on the metrics for success.

AI has become a buzzword, promising dramatic advances in various areas, including healthcare and transportation. However, it is crucial to maintain a balanced perspective and be aware of AI's advantages and disadvantages.

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