Next level your Amazon strategy

Amazon has been changing how we shop online for years and every move of the online marketplace giant seems to have everyone’s attention. But why is that? And what is it that makes Amazon special?

In a recent member conference call, Jeppe Hamming, Head of Marketplaces, Amazon specialist and Partner in the Danish agency, Nørgård Mikkelsen dived into how Amazon does business and what that means for businesses looking to sell their goods via the platform. He also shared key insights into how you succeed on Amazon based on his vast experience onboarding and optimising the Amazon presence of multiple large enterprises.

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What is composable commerce all about?

Composable Commerce is the future. If you are a regular reader of this blog, you already heard it last year when we had our popular MACH Alliance member call, but what does Composable Commerce really mean and why does it matter?

As Group SVP Technology at Valtech in wonderful Copenhagen, Casper Aagaard Rasmussen heads up the global strategic activities within their MACH and Composable Enterprises business. In our latest member call, he shared why the future of commerce is composable, what it means to the marketplace at large and how it impacts agencies and customers. As he said:

We are in the era of the shared ecosystem. Composable Commerce enable new business models and helps you achieve the accelerations you are seeking. We live in a world with constant change to how consumers buy products and services.

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