From bad hires & boring meetings to collaboration, data and the latest in CMS.

Along the way towards our Boye 19 Brooklyn conference, we have worked closely with many of our speakers about their pioneering work so we could share their insights with the community.

The result has been several great articles, interviews and a lot of following discussions.

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Moving From Anecdotes To Data Through Shared Services

We worked closely with one museum, who continuously chose their lowest performing type of exhibition to be set up again. I think they were perhaps too passionate and too close to the project. It’s not really surprising that we see this in the art and culture industry, but I know that this challenge goes beyond our industry.   

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Show Me The Money. Not The Data.

I see myself as a bridge between the models that I build and the business. There is a huge problem where data scientists are seen as data wranglers and not communicators. They sit in the corner and build a model and then have difficulty explaining the implication or how this is actionable in a clear way to the business.

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The Office 365 Adoption Challenge

The challenge for O365 adoption, is that the overwhelming parts, tend to overshadow the value part. Hence the reason I believe we need to be transparent about the obstacles and leverage various resources including change management practices to guided us successfully through the transition.

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Office 365? Great For Documents—Not So Much For Employee Communication

In this article, Frank Wolf—from the mobile-first employee communication platform Staffbase—explores the effectiveness of Office 365, especially as it relates to employee communication and adoption. Are his arguments one-sided? Only to a degree. Are they sound? Very much so. But judge for yourself and let us know. You can also read our previous interview with Frank Wolf, in which you’ll get a good sense of his vision for the future of internal communication.

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The Future Might Be Distributed

I suspect we might be reaching an inflection point in the evolution of content technology. We might be reaching the point where vendors stop pretending that servicing large web properties from a single CMS is a good idea, and instead they begin to embrace and even celebrate the idea of orchestrating content from multiple providers.

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Content Operations?

There is a thing called Content Operations, and yes, it seems to be broken.

Let's take a look at this growing discipline, and discuss why it has become a priority for so many organisations. 

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The Futility Of Meetings. Is The Future Workplace Meeting-Free?

The good old team meeting. Somewhere for us to talk loudly and get our way, or perhaps the place for us to sit quietly at the back and respond to those urgent emails. Yet we still attend these, the expectation that it’s good for us to meet and discuss the issues of the day or the week.


A Bad Hire Can Really Make You See What’s Important In Your Team

Avoiding bad hires 100 percent of the time would probably be a dream come true in HR. Not to mention the teams that have to live with that person just not working out. Decades of optimizing recruitment processes have certainly gone a long way, but is it actually possible never again to hire the wrong person?