Expert of the month: Alice Deer

How do you best provide organisations with a no nonsense way to gather and organise content?

This was the original problem that Alice Deer and her co-founder Angus Edwardson set out to solve some 10 years, when they founded a software firm called Gather. Quickly it became GatherContent and their initial approach was to provide an easy way to collect and structure client content. Painlessly was the keyword back then, where many customers were profoundly loud about how their disliked working with content in their CMS.

Fast forward to today, and Alice has been the CEO in a small business with 20 employees for 10 years. In this function, Alice has been going through all the typical entrepreneurial roles of hiring, dealing with finance, marketing and naturally also speaking with customers.

Earlier this month another big milestone was achieved as GatherContent was acquired by Bynder, so now her role is shifting once again. Now she is General Manager in the GatherContent part of the bigger business based out of her home in Brighton, UK. She is also our expert of the month.

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