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Yvonne Hansen (NO)

  • More than 15 years of experience within communication and marketing

  • Chief Digital Officer at Codex Advokat

About Yvonne Hansen

Yvonne Hansen has worked with digital marketing and communications for more than 15 years, with brands like BI Norwegian Business School and KPMG Norway. She has worked with continuous development of large sites and integrations, specifically between CMS and databases. As project manager with responsibility for external digital surfaces, she has learned to communicate with technologists despite not being a technologist herself. She acts as liaison especially between marketing & communications and IT, but also other departments that are central to the development of processes and systems where communication, digital surfaces and user experience is important.

An exciting project Yvonne currently participates in is restructuring the business model for auditing.

About Codex Advokat

Codex Advokat is a law firm that provides general legal services and is a trusted partner for all legal issues. They focus heavily on offering our clients the best service and quality. Having a steady provider of legal services is essential for any business. Codex Advokat specializes in offering services within corporate law, transactions, taxes and VAT, labor law, real estate law, construction law, technology law, IPR and media law.

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