Tim Walters (DE)
Customer Experience and Data Privacy Consultant
Previously a senior analyst with Forrester
Based in Berlin and a past speaker at both peer group meetings and our conferences in Aarhus and Philadelphia
Boye Aarhus 24 conference
Keynote: Trust Is Killing Customer Experience
Date: Tuesday, Nov 5
Boye Aarhus 19 conference
Keynote: Having your privacy cake and consuming great customer experiences too
Tim on stage at the Boye Aarhus 19 conference held at the Women’s Museum. Photo: Ib Sørensen
About Tim Walters
“People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it.”
In a time of global upheaval, accelerating change, and growing mistrust, Simon Sinek’s simple insight is more relevant than ever. Product/service features and benefits are commodities. Competitive differentiation depends on provocative, compelling stories that align the firm’s concerns and commitments with those of its customers and prospects.
I tell those stories.
I’ve been called “an analyst god” (anonymous Forrester client), “a brilliant writer” (some dude I worked for), and the creator of the “Best. Keynote. Ever” (Peter Andersen, at Boye Aarhus 15). But really I’m just a modest guy from a tiny logging town in California. (Happy Camp. No, seriously, look it up.)
From the beginning, I combined a teacher’s pet precociousness with an intense desire to challenge convention and question the status quo. Those qualities have served me well as I shape shifted from college professor to software marketer to Forrester Research analyst and finally to an independent content creator working (primarily) at the intersection of customer experience, data privacy, and trust.
Articles by or featuring Tim Walters
What the Marshmallow Test Can Teach Us About Trust-based Marketing (2020)
Trust Is A Prerequisite For Great Customer Experiences (2019)
Enough With The Mumbo Jumbo (2015)
Previous talks by Tim Walters
Boye Aarhus 15 keynote: The total impossibility of customer experience management
Boye Philadelphia 14 keynote: Making customer experience management a reality