Rene Henriksen (DK)

  • Microsoft 365 & Modern Workplace Senior IT business consultant at Energinet

  • A member of our M365 community and also blogs about beer, cider and more on

  • Lives south of Aarhus

Boye 22 Aarhus conference

PRESENTATION: The real story about Power Platform
TRACK: Microsoft 365
SLIDES: Download (PDF)

About Rene Henriksen

Rene works as a Microsoft 365 & Modern Workplace Senior IT business consultant at Energinet.

Previously he worked many years for the Danish Tax Authorities in various roles focused on SharePoint and Office 365.

About Energinet

Energinet is the Danish national transmission system operator for electricity and natural gas.

It is an independent public enterprise owned by the Danish state under the Ministry of Climate and Energy.

Energinet has some 1150 employees, and its headquarters are located in Erritsø near Fredericia in Jutland

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