Pernille Tranberg (DK)

  • Focused on data and AI ethics, data democracy and individual data control.

  • Co-founder of - an independent thinktank

  • A prolific writer and author of several books

Boye Aarhus 22 conference

KEYNOTE: Data Democracy and Data Ethics

Pernille on stage for the Boye Aarhus 22 conference keynote held at Musikhuset Aarhus.

Boye Aarhus 16 conference

KEYNOTE: Data ethics as a competitive advantage

Boye Aarhus 12 conference

KEYNOTE: Fake Your Online Identity

About Pernille Tranberg

Pernille Tranberg is an adviser in data ethics and makes data ethical reviews for companies, organisations and public institutions. She is also a speaker on privacy and data ethics.

She is co-founder of the European think-do-tank and trustee in the London-based NGO CitizenTrust.

She has written six books, including Fake It(2012, Peoples Press) about big data and digital selfdefense. It was published in four languages and reached the bestseller list in Denmark and Germany. She is co-author of, a guide to teens on how to protect and optimise their digital identitet with Marianne Steen.

She is an internationlly renowed speaker, and since Fake It was published – a year before Snowdens disruptive revelations – she’s done conference presentations around the world on the topic.

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