Miika Kuha (FI)

  • Partner at Withmore, Lean-consultant, Self-governance coach, Agile coach, Translator and coordinator of the translation work.

Boye Aarhus 24 conference


About Miika Kuha

Miika has a passion for improvement, and innovation and the pursuit of new ideas are close to his heart. He adopts a pragmatic approach when evaluating whether an improvement idea should be implemented. If the change aligns with the vision, then a decision to proceed should be considered. However, if the improvement only reinforces the status quo, Miika exercises extra caution, as what may seem like a valuable enhancement could potentially hinder progress towards the vision.

As a leader, Miika strives to empower people and prefers coaching over dictating specific tasks. The role of a coach in the improvement Kata, a Lean approach, aligns closely with Miika's perspective on leadership. While the management is responsible for conveying the vision to employees, the question of how to achieve it should involve contributions from many. Miika believes that with a shared vision, those familiar with the work should be enabled and motivated to continually improve the way tasks are performed.

In his role as a worker, Miika is practical and hands-on. He is committed to fulfilling his obligations with high quality and within agreed-upon timelines. Working with a global network of people comes naturally to him and is personally rewarding.

Connect with Miika