Martin Michael Frederiksen (DK)
Director of User Experience at Stibo DX
Co-author of the Ethical Design Handbook, inventor of the Small Feature Award and co-founded CMS vendor Synkron over 20 years ago
Based in Aarhus and quite good at disc golf
Boye Aarhus 24 conference
Jury in the Small feature award
Boye Aarhus 23 conference
Jury in the Small feature award
Boye Aarhus 22 conference
Jury in the Small feature award
Boye Aarhus 21 conference
Presentation: Pandemic-driven ethical tech innovation in conflict and co-operation with sales and marketing
Track: Innovation
At the Boye Aarhus 21 conference, Martin was once again on the Small Feature Award jury. Here he is giving feedback to the finalists.
Boye Aarhus 20 conference
Track: Product Management
Presentation: Use ethical design and get rich quick
About Martin Michael Frederiksen
Martin is a long time software specialist. He has been working with all things Internet since 1991.
In 1997 he was on the team that invented CMS as we know it today. Template based, modular, flexible (within the limits of that time) and easy to use. There was not even a name for content management back then. What a ride.
Since then: e-commerce, it governance, cross and omnichannel, digital business strategy, retail software.
He’s also published several books, including the first Danish e-commerce book and also in Danish Total retail, which is a bestselling book on the future of retail
Blog posts with Martin
Does your IT project hurt? (March 2023)
What digital policies do you have? (May 2020)