Lasse Rindom (DK)

  • Senior Manager at Basico

  • Previously Associate Practice Leader at HFS Research and Technology Manager, Automation Europe at ISS

  • Based in Copenhagen, Denmark

Boye Aarhus 23 conference

Presentation: Generative AI and the enterprise context
Track: Business Automation
Date: November 9

Boye Aarhus 20 conference

Presentation: Automating the enterprise: Inconvenient truths from an experienced practitioner
Automation & Robotics

About Lasse Rindom

Lasse is Senior Manager at Basico with focus on leading AI strategy across service line.

He analyzes market trends, defines products, creates content and conducts workshops and sales on the topic of AI broadly, but also more specifically in areas concerning business support and finance.

Lasse has a long history and experience in automation, is an active LinkedIn influencer and prides himself on remaining vocal and insightful even when discussing unpopular views in the market.

About Basico

Coming soon..

Connect with Lasse