Kathrine Hansted Bommarius (DK)

  • Head of UX and Design at IBM Client Innovation Center

  • Previous with Nuuday

  • Based in Aarhus, married to another UX designer and mother to a future UX designer

Boye Aarhus 23 conference

Presentation: UX design maturity - Expectations vs. Reality: A look into the common pitfalls and how to overcome them
Track: Design Leadership
Slides: Download (PDF)

About Kathrine Hansted Bommarius

Kathrine is a dedicated UX designer who consistently seeks innovative ways to enhance and refine the user journey. She keeps a vigilant eye out for emerging technologies, novel ideas, and valuable insights to assist both herself and her team in creating optimal user experiences. Kathrine's focus extends beyond specific product or service usage, encompassing the entire user journey, including before, during, and after use. She frequently integrates this perspective with internal systems and business processes to gain a comprehensive understanding of what they are creating.

Furthermore, Kathrine possesses a strong desire to foster the growth and development of others' skills. Recognizing that outstanding design is a collaborative endeavor, she eagerly embraces opportunities to mentor and guide fellow designers as they advance in their careers. In her current role at IBM, she enjoys the unique privilege of serving as a consultant, assisting clients in developing exceptional solutions, and managing the design department for IBM Denmark.

Known for her patience, encouragement, and creativity, Kathrine continually explores fresh approaches to challenge and inspire both her colleagues and her team.

About IBM Denmark

coming soon…

Connect with Kathrine