Jens Hofman Hansen (DK)

  • UX designer and business developer at Vertica

  • Previously worked in UX roles at Knowit (when it was known as Creuna) and the Royal Library

  • Based in Aarhus, enjoys craft beer and has an impressive collection of Apple products

UX Connect 25


UX Connect Aarhus 24

Opening speaker

Boye Aarhus 23 conference

Jury member: Small feature award

UX Connect Aarhus 23

Opening speaker

UX Connect Aarhus 22

Opening speaker

About Jens Hofman Hansen

Jens Hofman Hansen has worked professionally with user experience for about 20 years. He has been the lead UX designer on some of the biggest danish e-commerce websites, where the focus is always on helping the customers to choose the right products and take the right decisions.

Transparency, ease-of-use, joy-of-use and better-than-expected are keywords to making the best user experience.

In Jens’ perspective, the informed choice and ability by the user to be in control when visiting a website has only become more important with sustainability gaining more and more attention by all kinds of users. 

Jens is known as the author of the Danish book “Motiverende design” about persuasive design and is a popular speaker on topics centred around user experience – often with a commercial perspective.

Jens always advocates for incorporating research and knowledge about the user into the design process – both for the users’ but also for the business’ sake.

When not drinking craft beer, Jens enjoys his collection of 10.000+ vintage Apple products and the joy of running to and from work, often supplemented with some long runs on the weekend. Jens insists on always being happy.

About Vertica

Vertica innovates and develops conceptually strong and award-winning e-commerce solutions in collaboration with some of the biggest and most ambitious Danish companies where e-commerce is business critical. 

Vertica was founded as a dedicated e-commerce agency more than 20 years ago, and counts more than 110 employees today from their offices in Copenhagen and Aarhus.

Vertica has quite a unique organization: No bosses or middle managers, salary raise is decided on through a self-developed voting system, profit is shared equally between all employees, there is no budget limit on education - just to mention a few unusual features.  

Connect with Jens Hofman