Christian Vandsø Andersen (DK)
Worked in various digital leadership roles at LEGO from 2009 until he left for sick leave in 2023. Also worked as a semi-professional close-up magician from 1990-2012
'Wonderful Leadership' is the umbrella term for Christians unique approach. He’s published a book the topic and also one on Magic @ Work
Passed away in June 2024
Boye 20 Aarhus Conference
TRACK: Digital Leadership
PRESENTATION: Leadership in a complex world
This is the background Christian used for his session at the Boye Aarhus 20 conference
Christian in action talking about (digital) leadership in a complex world
Boye Aarhus 14 conference
PRESENTATION: Create Once, Publish Everywhere (download slides, PDF)
Boye Aarhus 10 conference
PRESENTATION: Juggling lean, scrum, prince2, budgets, organisation and strategy - and still having fun
About Christian Vandsø Andersen
With two master degrees, one in Computer Science and one in Leadership and Management, Christian enjoy’s combining technical knowledge with solid leadership.
Christian is curious about leadership when the world goes from complicated to complex. He experiments with self-organizing, fully empowered product teams, and through rapid feedback loops he constantly explores ways of working that create intrinsic employee motivation and excellent digital products.
Most important is the strategic direction, and Christian has over the years developed a sound methodology to develop and implement strategies. At LEGO he is implementing a full digital ecosystem across a multitude of digital touch points, in a coherent and scalable way.
For almost two decades he has had a passion for development of digital solutions, primarily web and mobile applications with millions of users. Christian first got online in 1989 and he has been here ever since.
Blog posts with Christian
Do you believe in magic at work? (November 2023)
A smarter conversation on digital leadership (December 2022)