Automation & Robotics
What if you could benefit from the expertise of your peers and find new methods to handle your challenges? While at the same time becoming a part of a bigger and friendly network of professionals within your field.
Your projects might just end up benefiting, when you are able to steer clear of the mistakes that others have already made and we think you might also end up with better solutions.
The Automation & Robotics groups meet 4 times a year.
Meetings are held in the local languages and Boye & Company provides meeting minutes from each meeting as well as an online forum for members to continue the conversations in between the meetings.
There are guest speakers at most meetings to provide new insights and further input to the group. Guest speakers are typically relevant customer cases, analysts or experts within the field.
Our main focus is case studies and we’ve recently heard from organisations like Airbus, Central Region of Denmark, Continental, DNV, Hapag-Lloyd, Posten, Tryg and Ørsted.
Upcoming meetings
Q3 meetings in Aarhus, Oslo and Germany
February 20, Q1 meeting in Denmark
Topics covered
Here are some of the topics we’ve covered at recent meetings:
The groups are moderated by Janus Boye who has been moderating peer groups on emerging technologies, adoption, change and governance and other related topics since 2004. His first experience with robotics was back in circa 2003 building software robots for data migration with Kapow RoboSuite.
Member profile
Among the members in this community are Central Region of Denmark, Continental, DNV, E.ON, Hapag-Lloyd, Otto Group, Technical University of Denmark and University of Copenhagen.
The Automation & Robotics community is a confidential forum where experienced automation and robotics professionals can meet, provide feedback and share thoughts and ideas in an inspiring setting. If you have several years of experience, a broad range of knowledge and your working day is dedicated to automation and robotics then you have the ideal profile. Each group is limited to 20 members. New members will need to be approved by existing members to ensure the right composition.
Career benefits
Enjoying honest conversations in a confidential forum.
Learning from the experience of others facing similar challenges.
Receiving inspiration from peers in other industries or organisations.
Sharing your ideas or challenges and receiving honest feedback and advice.
Furthering your career through extending your network and being better equipped for your job
1 year membership @ DKK 12.995 / EUR 1750